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1 XI
Getting Started with Python
2 XI
Python Fundamentals - Python Character Set and Tokens
(i) Keywords (ii) Identifiers
3 XI
Python Fundamentals -
Types of Tokens -
(iii) Lerals and their Types
4 XI
Python Fundamentals -
Types of Tokens -
(iv) Delmiter (iv) Operators (v) Vaariables
Concept of L-value and R-value and Comments
5 XI
Python Fundamentals -
Statements, Block and Indentaion
6 XI
Python Fundamentals -Input ( )
input( ) function
Use of int ( ) and float ( ) Functions
7 XI
Python Fundamentals -print ( ) Output functions: print ( )
Use of Sep and end argument
9 XI
Operators In Python
Arithmetic and Relational Operator
8 XI
Data Handling
Mutable and Immutable Data Types
10 XI
Operators In Python
Logical and Memebership Operator
11 XI
Type Conversion
Use of int ( ), float( ) and str( )
12 XI
Flow of Control
Selection Statement - if - else
14 XI
Iteration / Looping Statement
while loop
13 XI
Flow of Control
if - elif- else and nested if - else
15 XI
Iteration / Looping Statement for loop using sequence
16 XI
Iteration / Looping Statement range( ) function
17 XI
Iteration / Looping Statement for loop using range( )
18 XI
Iteration /Looping Statement
Jump Statement
Break and Continue​
19 XI
Iteration / Looping Statement else clause with loop
20 XI
Iteration / Looping Statement User Controlled loop (while)
21 XI
Iteration / Looping Statement Nested loop
22 XI
Creating, Accessing and Traversing
23 XI
String Operations
24 XI
String Methods and Functions - Part 1
25 XI
String Methods and Functions - Part 2
26 XI
upload soon.....
27 XI
upload soon.....
28 XI
upload soon.....
29 XI
upload soon.....
30 XI
upload soon.....
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